Members-Only Module

Module Flow and Details

  • Announcement of program on home page with link to details and sample materials.
  • A sign up form on the details/sample materials page that will collect name, email, phone, zip and include a terms and conditions area.
  • Filling out the sign up form will automatically generate a new user in the backend of the site and send a custom email to the new user with their access code. This email will include a link to the login form.
  • User will click the link from their email and login with their email address and access code. This login page will also include an email link if the user has lost their access code.
  • Once logged in, users will be able to view materials and have access to pre- and post-program online questionnaire. This page will not be available to any non-logged in users. Attempts to visit the page without logging in will kick users back to login page.
  • Users will have access to the members-only materials on future visits using the same login credentials.
  • All language and materials throughout the module will be in both English and Spanish and reside on separate English/Spanish pages.
  • Tracking information will be put into place to track pdf downloads and video views.

Module Development
