Content and Design Adjustments
Your website’s content is the driving force behind its performance on search engines and, more importantly, it helps to inform and generate positive impressions with your customers.
As the leading way to improve a site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content is an extremely important part of any high-performing website. It does no good to build a great website that nobody can find. We can help. Our writers have a deep knowledge of SEO and can work to craft engaging, SEO-friendly content that improves your rankings and draws in new customers.
In addition to search engine performance, your site’s content is how your customers learn about you. Your competitors are presenting themselves as knowledgeable, approachable experts in their fields… are you? If you’re hoping to solidify your customer base and attract new customers, there’s no better way to accomplish that than with authoritative, professional content.
The team at Allegra will work with you to make substantive design and content changes. We’ll look at adding new, informative sections to pages; increasing the amount of content per page; and restructuring your site’s pages to ensure an efficient, effective flow of communication.
Page Reworks – Design and Content
If you choose page reworks with design and content, we will rewrite and redesign all pages so that they are in line with and similar to, but longer than, your Professional Teeth Whitening page.
Page Reworks – Five Pages
If we focus on five pages instead of all pages, the five that we recommend are: General Dentistry, Hygiene and Prevention, Oral Examinations, Hygiene Cleanings, and Dental Emergency.
Page Reworks – Five Pages, Content Only
If you choose content-only page reworks, we will rewrite the above five pages so that they contain 300 to 500 words but will not add new images or subsections.